Check out some of our most recent work. Here you can get inspiration for your own custom dye, or an idea of what we are able to do on most heads!
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"If I Could mike"
We customized a Command 2 with a full orange/green "like mike" theme and tied it up with 1/300 Throne Fiber 2 Quencher Packs. The theme is a gatorade bottle, but we took it a step further and matched it up with an air jordan theme, mixing the famous Michael Jordan sneaker concept with a one of a kind dye that won't be replicated again

Using a combination or oranges, greens, and some white, we threw together a Michael Jordan inspired Command 2. Jumpman logos, XXIII (23) in roman numerals, the Like Mike logo, and some mixtures of "bubbles" to represent the gatorade theme. The bottom is a two-tone orange elephant print to mimic the famous Jordan sneakers The very limited edition Throne Fiber 2 Quencher system makes this one of a kind dye come together unbelievably

ECD's YouTube Video

In collaboration with ECD Lacrosse, and Joe Walters, we were asked to come up with a Maverik Kinetik head, dyed to match the JW1 Hero 2.0 mesh, and to go with Joe Walters. Check out the YouTube videos to see our inspiration behind the design, and ECD's reelease video featuring the dyed head